Royal ambitions and the impact of media attention on our brand

Koninklijke ambities en de impact van media-aandacht op ons merk
The past year has been a special year for Donna Dorée. Our jewelry brand, which symbolizes feminine strength and beauty, has made great strides, partly thanks to a wonderful press moment. In 2023, our story appeared in various national and regional online and offline media, including De Ondernemer, indebuurt Breda, BN De Stem, Peel en Maas, Eindhovens Dagblad and Brabants Dagblad.Donna Dorée in the local newspapers

Her Majesty Queen Máxima and the Gaia earring

The highlight of this media attention was without a doubt the effort to have Queen Máxima wear the unique Gaia earrings on her 52nd birthday. The Gaia earring, with its layered design and powerful appearance, is an ode to feminine primal power and fits perfectly with the appearance of our Queen.
Queen Máxima of the Netherlands
Máxima on her 52nd birthday. It could have been so beautiful... (This photo is of course not authentic, but an imitation. Unfortunately, she was not yet wearing our earrings.)

The appreciation for our unique jewelry

Although Máxima thought the earrings were beautiful, we were told, unfortunately they could not be accepted by our Royal Family due to the regulations regarding gifts above 50 euros. A disappointment, but also a confirmation of the quality and appeal of our designs. We even received a personal phone call and note from the Royal Family with compliments for our jewelry.

This media attention has had a huge impact on Donna Dorée. Our brand's awareness has grown significantly and we have welcomed many new customers who are attracted to our sustainable and iconic jewelry. Our collection, consisting of pieces that can be passed on from generation to generation, has gained wider appreciation.

It would be a dream if Máxima wore Donna Dorée

Even though Máxima could not accept our earrings, the dream remains that our Queen will one day wear Donna Dorée. Perhaps our Queen or one of her daughters will one day find their way (online) to Donna Dorée. In any case, our door is always open.

Royal House expert Josine Droogendijk has already found her way to Donna Dorée

We are pleased to see that Royal Family and Royalty expert Josine Droogendijk has already found her way to Donna Dorée. She has already worn our Golden Circe earrings several times on television, including Omroep Max and Libelle TV. Her choice of our jewelry confirms the quality and appeal of Donna Dorée, and we are proud to see our designs being worn by powerful women in the media.

Royalty expert Josine Droogendijk wearing Donna Dorée

Sustainability and quality at Donna Dorée

Our commitment to sustainability and quality remains as strong as ever. At Donna Dorée we only use the best materials such as silver and gold, which not only make a statement, but are also comfortable to wear. We want our customers to feel special with jewelry that leaves no trace, except a lasting impression.

Discover our own collection

Are you curious about the jewelry that enchanted Queen Máxima and Josine Droogendijk? Then view our 'Female Figures' collection and other iconic pieces on our website here. Discover how Donna Dorée can help you take your own stage and strengthen your inner beauty and strength.

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